My desire. A world where girls and women despite the color of their skin or eyes, shape of their lips or derriere, length of their hair, or fullness or lack of breast, embrace and appreciate their authenticity inside out.

New Book from Lisa Simpson Hoover

This book is dedicated to my mother, the late Loraine Coles Simpson. She is the wind beneath my wings. A special thanks to my husband Robert for planting the seed to write this book. He validates it. I lead by example for my niece Vivian Loraine and daughters, Lena, Lyric and Annica.

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Forward by Robert S. Hoover, MD

This story of the struggle of an amazing woman to rid herself of the crutch of fake hair and accept herself fully has lessons for all of us. In particular, the message to Black girls that their own hair is the “standard of beauty” is important. As the father of three beautiful black girls this is especially impactful for me.

However, the greatest and most inspirational stories have wide and deep messages that resonate with all. This book tells the story of shedding the artificial devices that we all hide behind and embracing our true selves. Some hide behind plastic surgery; some hide behind fake hair; some hide behind fake lashes, fake eyes and fake nails; some hide behind exorbitant material things.

At its core this is a story of true and complete acceptance of self. As we love and accept ourselves completely we allow the full development of our potential. Self-love is that ultimate enlightenment from which great deeds flow. Once we love ourselves that frees us to love others in a balanced and open manner. It frees our minds to concentrate on the greater good instead of acquiring things to sooth our insecurities. As I watched my wife gradually accept her true self it only made me love her more. Her acceptance of self made her a better wife, mother and person. Self-love is a powerful thing and I am certain that this book will inspire some of you to seek and achieve it.

Book Excerpts

The towel became my friend. It was my introduction into an imaginary world of long hair. It was easy and I could pretend without preparation. I would just throw any long towel I could find over my head, look in the mirror and swing my “long hair” and pretend to be Farrah Fawcettt.

Chapter 1 – The Addiction

With needle and thread like a junky with a syringe and heated rocks, I crept back to my home stay residence and tireless spent the three hours first corn rolling my entire head and then meticulously sewing the soft, dark brown, wavy hair into my braids. After hot curling, I was high again….. Off to the Black British Journalist Association Cocktail reception as I admired my first and successful attempt at my own hair weave… I was now empowered and would later develop the precision to create a hair weave of any style.

Chapter 2 – Maxine

One day as I got dressed for a date, Maxine confided that she had always been slightly envious of me because of my then Jamaican born boyfriend who courted and whisked me away for romantic candle-lit dinners – an anomaly for grant and scholarship supported black law students. She also confided that she secretly envied the popularity I enjoyed from having been the first African American female to secure a spot in the history of the coveted trial team. “But!” she exclaimed. “After I realized you wore a hair weave,” she gasped, “I didn’t think you were better than me.” “I thought I was better than you!” she chuckled. It was the raw purity of that statement that made me confront the perception I was creating by wearing a hair weave – one of inferiority and an unwillingness to accept my natural beauty.

About the Author

Lisa Simpson Hoover lives in Atlanta with her husband and three daughters. She grew up in Washington, D.C. graduating from The American University. She attended law school in Florida and started her career as a prosecuting attorney there. She later transitioned to civil litigation working as an insurance defense attorney for a large insurance company in Florida and Illinois. In 2006, she launched The Law Office of Lisa Simpson Hoover with offices in Chicago and Atlanta. The firm specializes in personal injury litigation. She has been practicing law for over twenty years and is licensed in five states. In her spare time, Hoover enjoys spending time with her family, working out and consignment shopping. She is an avid snow skier, swimmer and trained classical pianist. This is her first book.

Purchase “From Fake to Fabulous” by Lisa Simpson Hoover

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The author will donate a portion of the proceeds of this book to organizations and efforts that encourage, embody, uplift and empower women and children to embrace their natural beauty inside and out.

Copyright © 2016 From Fake to Fabulous